What a way for ICS to “run the world!” On November 4th, we held  our inaugural “ICS Runs the World” fundraiser. It took a lot of planning and work, venturing into something that was new, but thanks to MANY people, it was a success: the planning committee, the volunteers, those who registered, the sponsors. But none of it would have happened without the support, sponsorship and guidance of our friend Joshua Deaton, owner of GoGo Racing. Special thanks also to Joe Bennett who designed our magnificent logo.

Our sponsors:



Our supporters:


Our volunteers: parents, staff, neighbors, friends, volunteers from NIKE, students from Tucker High School and Chamblee High School, and our alum Sajat.


Our participants: students, and former students (so good to see you!) Parents, neighbors, board members, volunteers. Our former teacher Mme. Nicole who was celebrating her son’s birthday (Johan), and their friends from Globe Academy. We had walkers, runners, in strollers, and on arms.


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ICS Closed 1/16/24